I’ve spent a few hours playing with this blog and jekyll itself. It’s pretty cool. I really like the flexibility of the platform, and the fact you can pretty much throw any markup at it… I have blog pages like this in Markdown, and other pages in HTML, you can just pick and choose the mardown format as well.

It’s also my first time playing with SASS. I’ve used LESS in the past, when developing custom templates & themes for CKAN, and to be fair I can’t see much difference between the two, both work pretty well and do what you expect; functions, variables etc.

Jekyll is really a useful tool if you know what you want, because you’ll have the freedom to do whatever you want. The drawback is that you have to do a lot more that you have to with a CMS such as Drupal or Wordpress… Mostly because you don’t rely on a database or index to do search & faceting. I’ll have a look at plugins & modules to cover that at some point.

Anyway the fun is there for sure. I’ll be posting soon about Docker & CKAN containers.
