Techniques for Auditing the ICT carbon footprint of an organisation 2014

Neil Urquhart, Rob Kemmer & I published an article based on my MSc Dissertation. It presents an extensive survey of the state of the art in Green IT/S. The findings of the survey suggest that there is scope for a reliable carbon footprint auditing tool for organisational ICT usage. A prototype auditing tool is developed and a trial audit carried out and evaluated. Conclusions include the need for automation of the audit, the need for consistent management of hardware within organisations, and the need to present carbon footprint data in a format that respects the privacy of the individual user, but allows meaningful conclusions to be drawn.

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Road Safety Hackathon Winner 2014

Anaïs Moisy, Neil Wilkie and I won with our concept Creative Incentives, which focused on making pedestrian crossings more appealing for all road users, from turning the crossing into a game for children to incorporating art for adults. We came up with a concept to: - Raise awareness to specific pedestrian groups - Capture the attention of 11-14 year olds - Involve schools and communities - Engage pedestrians and road users more, and encourage them to use pedestrian cross road - Develop a Gamification App to reward kids & adults for using pedestrian crossroads & not using their phones when crossing.

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The METERology award for innovation in Green ICT 2014

“Greensight”, my MSc Dissertation project [a carbon footprint auting tool] has won the praise of industry professionals after landing the first “METERology award for innovation in Green ICT”, a prize sponsored by METERology.

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